
China Now Has a Face Recognition Test to Get a New SIM Card - marinohaductincer


China has been obsessing over facial realisation technology for quite a while instantly. By this time, I adopt you must comprise aware of the fact that user secrecy and China's futuristic technologies never appear happening the same page. At present, the Chinese Ministry of Manufacture and IT (MIIT) has proclaimed a new rule demanding mass applying for new mobile network and cyberspace connection to have their faces scanned by telecommunication providers.

This new formula bequeath be position into effect starting December 1. The Chinese government justifies this move by stating that its efforts are to "safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens in the internet", according to a recent report from Vitreous silica.

To boot to this, the Chinese government has as wel illegal people from reselling mobile phone Numbers with others so that their indistinguishability could be protected from being misused. By this gradation, China aims to minimize terrorism in the country.

In case you're out of the loop, this is not the first sentence the Chinese governance is making use of facial realisation for its schemes. Recently, we saw the government implement a fount acknowledgment based checker-in and check-out on subway stations.

It is no wonder that China is determination new reasons to build a mass surveillance network for having people in check to gri them answerable for their actions in a simple and efficient way thereby reducing the pressure sensation on the law enforcement department. In that case, it sounds good only forcing the great unwashe to sign for schemes they don't endorse is an intense way of achieving it in my opinion.

So, what are your thoughts on this facial recognition based contract verification process put forth by the Chinese government? Tell us in the comments.


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